Prepositional Theology
To understand things
in relation
to one another –
therein lies the genius
of the smallest
of our words
as when the Spirit broods
above the waters, a world
in wait. Or when you, husband, hover
over me
in bed
beneath the lamp-lit linens glowing
around us – spirit and skin –
in our own microcosm
of making: love, children, a life, you
within and
as the one who made us
beyond us granting nearness
along with a tongue, mind, word
to name it, evasive
as it is, so small the strands
between us all – like a web
of silk, visible only when glistening
with rain, or when something’s caught
within it – ourselves caught
between, held
within, surrounded
by, lifted
into light
Originally Published in Christianity and Literature.